Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentines Yummies!!

I absolutely LOVE holidays..any sort of holiday really..People are always complaining about how they hate "hype" and how America uses holidays as a way to sell more goods (well duh..what good store owner WOULDNT?.

But me?? I LOVE holidays because of all the cute baking!!!

And Valentine's Day is up next!

Here are a few of my favorite ideas...
I heart this cake!! (Pun completely intended!) You can't tell me that is not incredible.
Now actually pulling it off?? yeah....I wouldn't count on it. But it IS ridiculously cute.

I really love the idea of actually have a somewhat healthy topping on my baking...or maybe I just love the idea of lots of strawberries..either or.
Nevertheless, I love this. Are strawberries even in season right now??

Stinking adorable. Hands down.(this is the best day i can..ever remember..)
It's an ice cream sandwhich! Can you tell I really love hearts as well?

And now to my all time favorite..
Cake Pops.
I have had my eyes on these things for over a year now..trying to work up the courage to try it. Essentially, they are just cake balls, covered in adorable sprinkles, and punctured by a sucker stick. But i've read that it's really easy to mess I've been nervous about it.
But this year...this year I will try it.

So stay tuned, I may be posting my go of the Valentine's Day cake pops in a few days!!


  1. I liked the Dashboard lyrics hahaha :)

    Cake pops are easy, girl! Have you ever looked at Bakerella"? If not you should!

  2. HAHA! I'm so glad you got that!!! I couldn't help myself, lol.

    Well, I have now!! That site is awesome!!!

  3. i might just steal some of your ideas for vday.... love the ice cream sandwiches.
